The geostreaming data framework allows for heterogeneous data to be converted into a flexible schema, provides a web application with data visualizations for end-users to interact with the data and a REST API to create additional web clients and perform computations of the data.
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A REST API where you can interact with the data. Specific computation for visualizing data is performed in the Geostreaming Api, including computations for bins for the data at different time scales including day, month, season and year. It also calculate trends per parameter for single sensors or a region.
This is a web-application that allows users to browse and search geo-spatial data in a map. It has visualizations for each location that can be customized to match the community needs. We currently support time-series, box and whiskers, stacked line and stacked bar graphs. Code is developed in React + Redux graphs are created with d3.js and new graphs can be easily added.
Data from heterogeneous sources that include images collected from drones or field scanners, sensors in the field, results of labs analyses, remote sensing data, or historical data from heterogeneous sources can be ingested into the geostreaming API with the help of parsers. A Python library PyGeotemporal has been created to facilitate writting new parsers.